Powering Chinese New Year content through AI tech

The Thinking

We wanted to do something special to celebrate Chinese New Year – which in 2023, happened to coincide with the unveiling of ChatGPT. As B2B tech experts, we don’t just write about tech, we use it to power our social content. Which is how we got the idea for an AI-generated animation.

The Making

Combining a range of AI tools, we created a children’s storybook starring the animals of the Chinese zodiac. We used AI to produce every element of the work: ChatGPT for the script, MidJourney AI for the visuals, Murbert AI for the music, and Narakeet AI for the narration. The result is an immersive journey through the customs and celebrations of the Chinese New Year.

The Blowing Up

We used our own AI-powered video personalisation engine voundry to personalise and distribute the storybook to all our clients and wider networks as a digital greeting card. We also shared the storybook on our website and social channels, with our industry partners, and with the trade press. Naturally, we wrote the press release using ChatGPT.

The Positive Impact

  • Demonstrates that AI and creativity can go hand in hand

  • Challenges peers to use AI in innovative new ways

  • The media loved the project, which was picked up by The Drum, Adobo, Campaign Asia, Campaign Brief Asia, and Roastbrief



