Creating a typeface that champions diversity

The Thinking

What is something that is universally recognised for being the opposite of diverse, that we can re-imagine in a creative way? Fonts, aka, typefaces. Historically, these are homogenous in their design, often leaving the characters with no differentiating features. That is the antithesis of society and our workplace.

The Making

Our mission? To create the world's most diverse typeface, each letter designed with a creator's unique story behind it. To make the project truly diverse, distillery reached out to designers from all corners of the world and sourced contributors from underrepresented networks to help design each letter.

The Blowing Up

We created a film to launch the project, giving our view of what diversity means to distillery, its importance and the power it unlocks when invited into the workplace. We launched a website where people could download the font for £1. All the money from this goes to 3 charities that support marginalised groups. Downloaders can choose which one to donate to.

The Positive Impact

  • Worked with marginalised people and gave them a platform

  • Showed the creative power of diversity

  • Gave back to charity 

  • Challenged peers to do the same

  • Started a wider conversation around DEI.



