Free download: The distillery guide to personalisation

Marketing emails that actually get click-throughs. Millions of likes and shares. Enough brand loyalty to make competitors weep. The personalised marketing trend promises all this and more. But is it really the magic bullet to transform any business into a market leader? Or is it just another bandwagon that brands will fight to get on today, and abandon without a second thought tomorrow?

Our research shows that, while you shouldn’t think of personalisation as a trend, magic bullet, or panacea, there’s a strong business case for adding this approach to your marketing toolkit. Personalised marketing can be powerful when used in the right way, at key points in your customer journey.

Read our guide to personalisation, and discover compelling case studies and insights into how brands are using personalisation to reach out to customers in new ways that are targeted, engaging - and above all, human.

You’ll also see how our personalisation engine, voundry, by distillery, blends technology and creativity to deliver personalised video at scale.

Fill in the form below to receive distillery’s guide to personalisation straight to your inbox.


Personalisation at Scale, the Future of Marketing: Event highlights and product launch (video)


A personal Q&A: Four experts talk personalisation in marketing and product development