Our search to create the world’s most diverse typeface

We’re leading a unique opportunity to bring our differences together, to create a brand new typeface that celebrates diversity and inclusion. With contributions coming from all corners of the world, we’re bringing together letters and numbers from the English alphabet inspired by individual stories and experiences. We’ll then combine the best submissions into a downloadable typeface that will be available for everyone to use come World Diversity Day on 21st May 2021.

Our project was initially created to engage the internal team here at distillery, in an open discussion around diversity. It has since evolved into an outward expression of diversity, to engage the wider industry in the D&I conversation, in a unique and engaging way. It has since evolved into a wider project to celebrate the diversity across the world. 

Once our typeface is created, we will encourage brands, businesses and individuals all over the world to adopt what we’re calling ‘the official typeface of diversity’.

You can learn more at diversitytype.com, and use the hashtag #DiversityType.

If you’ve got any question, don’t hesitate to get in touch: DiversityType@wearedistillery.co


Achieving cut-through during the busy holiday period with a timely and meaningful campaign


After a year like no other, distillery is Campaign Magazine’s EMEA Independent Agency of the Year 2020