As versatile as a Swiss Army Knife: Meet Gui, distillery’s Senior Content Creative

Picture this: you grab a morning coffee at 9:15, do some research for a new project and hash out creative ideas with your team over the next couple of hours, chomp down on a sandwich at 12, spend the rest of the day working on your favourite ideas from the session, go to bed while your mind keeps ticking, crack the brief in your sleep (literally!) and do it all over again tomorrow.

Sounds like a dream job? It’s all in a day’s work for distillery’s senior content creative, Gui Libby.

Based in our Singapore office, Gui will be collaborating with our growing team to deliver outstanding work, operating as a multidisciplinary creative, blah blah blah - we much prefer relatable stories to corporate speak, don’t you? We got together with Gui for a nice first day chat. Have a read!

Hi Gui, welcome to the team! So, what’s your top priority in this new role?

I’m all about helping us win new business in Singapore. That’s my number one goal - and I’ll be putting all my network, creative capabilities, and experience to work to make it happen.

Sounds exciting! Tell our readers a little more about your approach?

I think of myself not as a creative, but as a Swiss Army Knife. I studied graphic design, typography, sculpture, art direction, copywriting and advertising in school - then I went on to do a fine art degree. So I don’t consider myself any one thing, instead I look for ways to bring a bunch of different skills into my work. To keep the DIY metaphors going, it’s like having a big problem-solving toolkit!

You’ve worked for some big agencies and big brands. Any favourite projects?

That’s right - I’ve been a copywriter at places like Dentsu and Leo Burnett, and had the pleasure of working on accounts like Samsung, Canon, Prudential, Nintendo, Sprint, and UOB. 

One of my favourite projects is a print campaign I did for Malaysian nonprofit, R.E.A.C.H (Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands). Some people think print is too ‘old school’, but I think the massive amount of work that’s already been done in print makes it a uniquely exciting challenge to come up with something original. Together with my team, we got the client on-side through powerful ideas and a passion for the problem. Best of all, we helped raise awareness on the harmful impact of deforestation. Winning a few awards for the work was a nice bonus.

Nice! Before we let you get on with the day, tell us how you wind down?

I love spending time with my son, listening to music, painting, and watching films. Our fave is Monty Python and the Holy Grail...

It’s exciting times ahead for our growing Singapore office as we bring our new senior content creative on board! Stay tuned for more from Gui and the rest of the distillery team. Or why not sign up for our monthly newsletter?


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