The Female Agenda

We celebrated International Women’s Day earlier this month and the theme for this year was #breakthebias, which called for a more gender-equal world that is free from bias, stereotypes and discrimination. It was a moment when the world came together to celebrate the achievements of women.

In this issue, we take a look at the initiatives some brands are practicing year-round, and how you can answer the call to #breakthebias.

What bias?

As the world slowly makes its way into the new ‘normal’ out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s reported that some of the norms we wanted to leave behind have resurfaced, threatening to reverse decades of progress made towards gender equality. Global studies have shown that the pandemic has hit women harder than men, particularly with regard to work, where 26% of women reported a loss of work last year, compared with 20% of men. Working from home arrangements have also been found to reduce the chances of promotion for women too.

It should be a “Woman’s Day” everyday.

Everyday should be a good day for everyone. And some brands have the right idea with organisation-wide practices that become part of the DNA of its people.

Vodafone, for example, is on a mission to reach 45% senior female representation by 2030, and having already exceeded its initial 30% target before 2020, it’s well on the way to achieving this.

It’s Women in Business Network, is one initiative designed to help women progress their careers at the company.

Helping brands #breakthebias

We’ve been lucky enough to speak to and work with strong female leaders to help further the conversation around gender equality and D&I as a whole. Our founder Steve Wheen caught up with Dr. Anubha Upadhyay, Brand & Audience Growth Lead for Think with Google, where she discussed best practices at Google, and shared personal insights on her DEI journey as part of distillery’s Proud To Be: podcast series. Take a listen, we hope you find it insightful.

If you want your brand to be part of the #breakthebias conversation and are looking to create a fab piece of content, we’d love to help. Drop us a line at for a chat.


We can’t all be women, but we can all be an ally,"


"Diversity" In Action


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