Afghanistan Crisis Appeal

Afghanistan is in a state of a humanitarian crisis, with 8 million people facing famine this winter. With temperatures set to plummet as low as -12°C, we've been working around the clock to help the DEC launch this urgent Afghanistan Crisis Appeal.

Our social content features testimonials from those affected, including some of the many displaced women and children who make up 80% of the people most in need. In addition, educating the public on the extend of the crisis has been key to driving donations.

Our messaging has been reinforced with a full-scale DOOH campaign live across 11 major train stations, as well as interviews with celebrities such as Bronagh Waugh who are backing the campaign.

To date, the joint appeal has raised more than £23 million. And, with your support, we hope to push this figure even higher.

To find out how you can help, please visit 


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