Coffee, creativity, and video: Meet Lou, distillery’s executive producer

Ask Louise King (or Lou) what her work is all about and she’ll tell you, “lots of coffee, creative brainstorms, and even more video development ideas.” 

But that’s just the start of it. In reality, Lou has a hand in everything from hiring and managing key team members and setting a budget, to managing all that arises during a shoot and overseeing the post production stage, from editing, to picture look. 

It’s all part of being distillery’s new executive producer.

What’s in a title?

As our executive producer, Lou supervises all our moving image projects (and other producers!) to make sure our projects are completed on time, within budget, and to our creative and technical standards.

Lou also brings new concepts and ideas to the table, while ensuring that production stays true to brief, meets competitive goals, and positions our clients in the best possible way.

Sounds like a lot to juggle?

It is. But years of experience have taught Lou how to smoothly handle it all with a smile.

She’s got the stuff.

Lou began her career in production management and has grown into leadership positions by delivering great (award-winning, in fact) video content across a variety of platforms, from social and digital media, to out-of-home media, print, and television. 

Some of her career highlights include creating and filming scenarios for soldiers travelling to the Middle East, driving on an ice rink for a car insurance company, and picking cherries at an Italian orchard for a liquor brand.

Beyond producing awesome films, Lou volunteers for a homeless shelter charity and her local church while taking care of her young family. Her three favourite ways to wind down? The beach, parks, and prosecco.

We’re thrilled to have our new executive producer on board. Stay tuned for more great things to come from Lou and the distillery team. Follow us on YouTube for a taster!


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