Are we all future filmmakers?


By Natasha Senn, Account Director 🇺🇸

The democratization of video through Google Vids and what that means for content.

There were many announcements at Google Cloud Next ‘24 but one that garnered the most buzz was the upcoming launch of Google Vids, a video editing product within the Google Workspace suite, coming to Workspace Labs in June.

So what’s all the buzz about?

There’s a reason TikTok hit a staggering 1.92 billion users in 2023 and continues to grow year on year. People love video. It’s engaging, evocative and easy to consume. In fact, video ads have been shown to have a 25% higher impression rate on average than static ads.

With the launch of Google Vids, it seems like we are all one step closer to becoming filmmakers. All you’ll need is Google Workspace with Gemini, and AI will do the rest. But as we all know, that’s a gross oversimplification.

There are many elements that go into creating a great video and Google Vids will only scratch the surface.

What exactly can Google Vids do?

With the click of a button, Gemini will turn your documents into a video, building out the overall structure and offering AI-generated live images and voice overs to bring it all together. You can also collaborate with teammates from within the video, and record yourself or your team, using a teleprompter function with AI-generated or self-written scripts.

It seems like the perfect way to easily create video content at scale. But with the democratization of video creation, there are also pitfalls to watch out for.

Not all content is created equal.

With more people creating videos, it will become even more important to stand out among the noise. AI can be a starting point, but it will still require skilled storytellers and creatives to add the human element. Much like writing a prompt in Gemini or ChatGPT, AI is only as effective as the guidance it is given.

These tools can help increase a team's effectiveness but they won’t replace skilled professionals. If anything, the democratization of video will make the gap between a quickly developed prompt and a well-thought out story even more clear.

As a creative practice focused on content made to measure, we always strive to stand out in the sea of content — not just creating for the sake of it, but with a focus on ROI.

So, will Google Vids replace videographers, editors and other creatives? No. Am I excited to get my hands on it to play around with it? Absolutely.


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