Dogs Trust campaign

The team at distillery London was recently tasked by the Dog’s Trust to produce a shareable campaign to remind dog owners that their furry friends need to wear a legally compliant collar with their microchip details, as well as their owner’s correct and up-to-date name and address.

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To sit alongside the video content at the heart of our campaign, we were also commissioned to produce an online poster that conveyed the key messaging to dog lovers and a series of GIFs.



A key challenge was how we transform this very serious and somewhat dark message into fun, shareable and highly watchable content that would be well-received by dog owners and dog lovers.

Check out the animation below and remember to ensure your dog’s microchip, collar and tag details are all up-to-date!

Need some important information to be turned into shareable and entertaining content for your brand too? Get in touch!


Travelling on Trash


We just LOVE a good pun on Valentine's Day!