The Story of Disaster Relief

With great anticipation and excitement, we share with you our latest work with the Disasters Emergency Committee, The Story of Disaster Relief, an online branded film.

The objective is to increase awareness  and highlight key tenets of their work whilst also starting a compelling conversation with the audience around Togetherness and Trust.  This video follows the journey of an appeal; the initial disaster, the launch of the appeal, to handling overseas aid logistics, to aid delivery, to UK fundraising.

Our aim was to show the efficiency and ‘blitz spirit’ mentality of their work, which falls into the accurate theme of a chain reaction. The film was shot at Shepperton Studios, where we built 13 sets in one day this day long shoot!  The result, a beautiful film that educates, emotes and solidifies that Together, We’re Stronger.


How a global company is giving back


30,000 Baking Monsters